Allowing Divine Manifestation


The Allowing Divine Manifestation Course is designed to introduce you to working with the Ascended Masters, Angels and Arcturians who host the School of Manifestation from the Inner Plane.

The course begins by connecting us with Sananda (Jesus), Mother Mary and Saint Germain.

From here we explore some of the key insights and principals of Allowing Divine Manifestation in our lives so that we can get out of the way and experience the support of our Spiritual Team.

This course also contains many prophecies about the manifestations being sent down from the higher dimensions, and our purpose to be divine receivers.

The School of Manifestation is not about the Law of Attraction and how to get what you want, like other manifestation courses teach.  It is about true co-creation with the Divine in a way that transcends the ways that self-will can impede a manifestation process that is part of our natural birthright. Many of the people that have take this course reported feeling as though a burden was being lifted in the process.

Register for $222